Lorelai began her TBall career on Saturday this past week. How fun is it to watch this group? FUN! One little boy swung the bat so hard he ended up spinning himself around twice then falling. Another player was so stunned she hit the ball, she forgot to run to first base, the whole time the coach is saying, run, run run. So much fun.
Lorelai? Well she is actually pretty good. I had no doubt since her daddy was an awesome baseball player. The only thing she really needs help on? Paying attention to what's going on.
I will try to post pics. later thius week.
The Paxton Times
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
2011 A New Year, A New Resolution.
Hello all. welcome to the 2011 edition of The Paxton Times. I am going to try to post something every week. Since that seems realistic to me. So far it promises to be a busy year. We have something important going on each month. This month Lorelai, Helen, My mom, and myself are going to see Disney Princess' on Ice at the Mohegan Sun Arena on the 15th. Than in February it's a quiet weekend for just the four of us somewhere away from home. March and April haven't been scheduled, but May is a family gathering to celebrate my cousin Laura's marriage to a great guy whose name is Robbie. Also that month is Lorelai's 6th birthday! WOW! Right? June is always busy as we try to make the trip to Uncle John's to celebrate his and Kira's birthdays. And Lorelai's dance recital is in June too! July is the usual hustle and bustle. August is Daddy's birthday and Knoebels. September is ANOTHER wedding for Lorelai. I think I should just rent her out, since she makes such a beautiful flowergirl. My good friends Jeff and Nikki are finally tying the knot! Plus School starts back up and Oh! Mommy's 35th birthday. October is Halloween and Little Pop-Pop's birthday and then in November, Nana's birthday, Grammy's birthday and DISNEY again! So hopefully I will have pictures and captions and tales to tell as God directs us through this New Year! Happy New Year to you all and may God bless you as richly as he has me and mine.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
A Walk in September.
Randall and I went for a beautiful September walk today, down our road. There were so many bright colors and the fresh Fall wind in our faces was welcome. Randall even said "Mommy do you feel that wind? Do you like it Mommy?" Here are a bunch of Fall flowers we picked to make a bouquet with. God is an amazing artist isn't He?

Monday, September 13, 2010
Church bulletin board.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Lorelai's first day of School - Kindergarten
Today was my baby girl's ( now my little girl ) first day of school. She was quite anxious to get going and she couldn't wait to ride the bus. I think it's because she doesn't have to sit in a booster seat! I got her up at 6:30am. She ate Frankenberry cereal and then she got dressed and brushed her teeth. She was such a grown up girl.
She boarded the bus and asked her driver "Where would you like me to sit sir?" He chuckled and said "Well, how about you sit with Daisy, she can help you out," then he smiled and said to me, "No worries Mom, I will take good care of her."
I pray that her experiences this year set her up with a good outlook on school in general. Here are some pictures you might enjoy.
Little Randall asked me "Mommy am I going on the bus too?", I smiled and said "Please don't hurry things along."
My mom was there with us too, and I handed her my dress that i wore on the first day of Kindergarten. She cried.
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