Wednesday, September 15, 2010
A Walk in September.
Randall and I went for a beautiful September walk today, down our road. There were so many bright colors and the fresh Fall wind in our faces was welcome. Randall even said "Mommy do you feel that wind? Do you like it Mommy?" Here are a bunch of Fall flowers we picked to make a bouquet with. God is an amazing artist isn't He?

Monday, September 13, 2010
Church bulletin board.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Lorelai's first day of School - Kindergarten
Today was my baby girl's ( now my little girl ) first day of school. She was quite anxious to get going and she couldn't wait to ride the bus. I think it's because she doesn't have to sit in a booster seat! I got her up at 6:30am. She ate Frankenberry cereal and then she got dressed and brushed her teeth. She was such a grown up girl.
She boarded the bus and asked her driver "Where would you like me to sit sir?" He chuckled and said "Well, how about you sit with Daisy, she can help you out," then he smiled and said to me, "No worries Mom, I will take good care of her."
I pray that her experiences this year set her up with a good outlook on school in general. Here are some pictures you might enjoy.
Little Randall asked me "Mommy am I going on the bus too?", I smiled and said "Please don't hurry things along."
My mom was there with us too, and I handed her my dress that i wore on the first day of Kindergarten. She cried.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Forrest Randall Alexander Paxton : aka...FRAP
Okay so onto our little FRAPPER. Not to be confused with Frappe's from McDonalds! What has been going on with Randall, well he is definitly his daddys son. He loves cars, trucks, motorcycles and race cars, of course! He is am extremely mechanical little guy and loves to know how things work. He loves to watch Monster Trucks on TV with Daddy and even sits through just about the whole show.
Another of his favorites is watching the hunting channel. He like to see the deer and elk they show.
He is talking so much better these days and gets a lot of help from big sister Lorelai. He also loves sound effects, and does them pretty well.
For his 2nd birthday this past December we got him a tricycle which he loves to ride. He also loves trains and has his own little set in his bedroom. He plays with it for long chunks of time then usually ends up Godzillaing the train and laughing.
We registered him last week for his first year of Pre-School. He will go one day a week, wednesdays, from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm.
I have started the whole potty training thing , but we still have a lot of work to do there. Here are some recent pictures, with captions.
Daddy and Randall at Halloween as Fred & Scooby.
Randall concentrating on eating.
Randall asleep with Mickey.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Lorelai Elizabeth Paxton : Age 4
Well, Miss Lorelai is doing well and good and I think to start her story here, we will take you back to November. It was probably the biggest month of Lorelai's life yet, first she was asked to be in a wedding in June. Knowing that weddings mean Gone with Wind dresses, she gave an exuberant "YES" to the bride and was thrilled. This past Saturday we went to find her Flower's Girl dress. Sam, (the bride) found a beautiful, simple and innocent looking dress. Needless to say my girl will look like princess, and probably will end up making mommy cry!
After the big question, the time came to take flight to Walt Disney World in Florida. What an exciting trip for us all, but especially Lorelai becuase she is at that magical age where anything is possible and imagination blends with reality. What better place to experience that than in Disney! We spent a week going throughout the parks and Lorelai loved every minute. From meeting all her favorite characters to riding all the rides. I think probably my favorite moment from the trip was our first day in Magic Kingdom. We had arrived just in time to see a parade which captured the kids attention immidiately. So when it was all over Randall (my husband) picked Lorelai up and put her on his shoulders (See pic.1), we rounded the corner and she saw Cinderella's castle for the first time. He mounth fell open and she put her hands on her cheeks, big tears filled her eyes and she said "Oh Mommy, Oh Daddy, it's as breathtaking and beautiful as I dreamed it would be. Thank you for bringing me here." And folks that was enough to make all the hassle and hustle of the airports and buses worth it. She also got to eat dinner with each of the princesses, Cinderella, Belle, Ariel, Aurora and Snow White. What an experience that was for her!(see pics below). She told me when we left that she was ready to go back anytime!
December was a busy time for Lorelai, she had the big part in our Christmas program. Which I am happy to say she pulled off brilliantly! January meant back to pre-school and AWANA which she loves and looks forward to each week. And also beginning dance lessons, much to Daddy's chagrin! (see pics. below).
Lorelai has really grown in her interests and now likes to watch a multitude of TV shows that Mommy would never have thought she'd like. Doctor Who happens to be her favorite at the moment! She aslo has her first crush...on a celebrity, Taylor Lautner. He plays Jacob Black in the Twilight movies. We also started the process of reistering her for Kindergarten. DO I FEEL OLD!
Catching Up!

Hello, hello. It has certainly been a long time since I posted to this blog of mine...but if this past week is any indication of how things can pop up unexpectedly than by all means I will take the time to brag about my kids and family while I have the time to do it! So not much has changed since I last posted...last February. So here is a recent family picture of us and now I will take the time to blog seperatley on each of us...
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